There are times when I feel like there are people all around me,
and yet I feel utterly lonely.
I wonder, do you feel that way too?
There is this deep longing for a friendship that is deep, committed and very life giving. Having a loyal and devoted husband, kids that want to do everything with you because they love being with you, and encouraging life-giving girlfriends are awesome!
But, sometimes there is a hole that can only be filled by ONE! We were created with eternity set in our heart's desire is relationship with the Giver!
A man who has friends must himself be friendly,
But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24 (NKJV)
Thank you Daddy for each person you have hand-picked to be part of my life.
And I thank you for Jesus, my friend that sticks closer than a brother, the Meeter of all my needs, Immanuel.... God with us!
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