Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Have you ever been confronted with the same situation time and time again?
Does your reaction change each time or do you keep reacting the same old way?
Someone told me that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over,
and expecting different results.
I have a tendency to be reactive! 
There I said it....maybe you know this about me, maybe you don't.
But I am honestly sick and tired of it!
Dang it, I do not want to go around this mountain again!
As I spilled this out to a friend yesterday, he told me exactly what I needed to hear.
I will share it with you, in case you need it too......
Be good to the person who is not being good to you,
and don't get upset if they do not recieve it the way you are hoping they will.
I believe that the Holy Spirit will convict that person of their wrong in due time.
In the meantime, I can only work on me and my attitude!
I will allow God the space and time to do the work only He can do in each of us.

You have circled this mountain long enough. Now turn north! 
  Deuteronomy 2:3
(exclamation mark added by me...I think I need it :D )

Thank you Daddy that You love each of Your children so much.  Thank you that You have given each of us Your Holy Spirit and therefore I am released from doing that job for anyone else.  Please give me the grace I need to continue to do good, as I wait on You and trust You to work in both of us.


  1. wow...came here through Tyler's blog..
    I never usually go to other blogs like that but tonight I did...
    Well I needed to hear your message...I "reacted" (last night when someone hurt me )and tend to react when people hurt me ...

    Thanks for sharing...

  2. Very cool, thanks for stopping by :D

  3. Oh Jenn, I have gone around and around with this same issue, too. And conscious awareness (like you have) is the first step in resolving it. I am reading an incredibly relevant book right now - Loving What Is by Katie Byron. It is showing me how to do the work to 'stay in my own business' and be able to take in info. without be reactive to it. And I am now understanding WHY I have been reactive. Much love & thanks for all you write.

  4. Thanks Shelly.....I'll have to check that one out!
